14 July 2011


My grandfather, Gumps, spent the last several years of his life with us. This was great for him (he loved family), it was great for us (Gumps was my hero growing up and our children developed a close relationship with him.)

Our children enjoy visiting our retired neighbors and Gumps's influence is a huge part of that. He passed away a little over a year ago at the age of ninety-three.

All my life I thrilled to hear Gumps beckon, "Come over here, I have something to tell you." It meant a story (o.k., it meant a lot of stories.) He was a story teller and his favorite stories were about courting my Grandmother, his experiences as a forward observer in WWII and his childhood on a farm.

When I campaigned for City Council two years ago, he couldn't stop telling me how proud he was. He loved this country and fought for the liberty of all countries during World War II. He was pleased as punch that I was fighting for the liberty of West Valley.

We have a great city. There was a needed vision to beautify West Valley several years ago and the city leaders went to work. Now, think of a pendulum. We needed beautification and started the pendulum swinging to this end. As is always the case, a pendulum will swing too far and must be brought back to center. With the monumental task of beautifying the city, the pendulum of city ordinances went too far. It's simply nature and physics.

We need someone with vision and the ability to fight for liberty to go to work on the city ordinances. I'm that someone. I believe in liberty. Let's keep the ordinances that make sense (safety comes to mind), modify the ones needing modification (who's to determine how much "clutter" in a carport is too much?) and eliminate the bad ones (mandatory gutters, for example.)

Vote for liberty
vote for Jeff White

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