10 September 2009

Reducing Ordinances Will Reduce Crime

I was talking with a City official and he stated one of the problems the courts face is not enough time for criminal trials. The time spent in the courts enforcing ordinances is time the courts can't spend on criminal trials. Then, because the courts time is filled, criminals spend longer in jail and we have more overcrowding of our jails.

Our law enforcement can't keep putting criminals in jail and see them let out because of overcrowded jails, because the courts are spending time on ordinance violations. Where should our courts spend their time; with criminals or with someone who's paint is pealing?

90% of the residents tell me we have too many ordinances. We can reduce ordinances, this will free up the courts time so they can hold trials for criminals and we'll reduce crime. West Jordan doesn't have ordinances like WVC, and who has less crime?

Reducing Ordinances Will Reduce Crime

I'll fight to reduce ordinances. I'm here now and if you want things to continue the same, you have seven candidates to choose from. If you want things to improve, I'm here. Spread the word and vote for me.

I became Scoutmaster for a Troop that hadn't had a rank advancement in two years and as of two weeks ago; we've had by my count, 46 rank advancements in two and a half years. I know how to get things done.

The Time is Right for Jeff White

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