29 July 2009

Lowering WVC Property Taxes, Part 3 of 3

I know a family in the process of building their own garage. They're doing this because, like most of us, they do not have a lot of money. (According to our 2000 census, the average family in West Valley earns $50,435.)

The garage is not yet complete and the County Assessor has already been to their home to reassess the value. This inspired for the following brainstorm for lowering property taxes.

Here's the idea: when major improvements are made on a home, the City issues a tax break. Perhaps for each $5,000 of verified improvements, that add value to the home, you get one year without a tax increase, with a maximum break of three years. If the home is sold in that time period, the tax rate returns to the value of the property.

This allows you a few years tax break to help pay for the improvement. How about an incentive to improve our homes instead of fines for non-compliance with an ordinance? I like incentives over fines any day. So what do you think? Maybe we even step it up a notch and say for every $5,000 spent, you get a 5% reduction in your property taxes for a year. Why not?

There are plenty of ways we could beautify our city and reduce taxes at the same time; so with your support and my willingness to brainstorm ideas like this, we'll work wonders.

I'll be careful with your money.

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