27 July 2009

Lowering WVC Property Taxes, Part 2 of 3

Lowering taxes - What! Did he just use a political catch phrase? Well yes, I did. The difference... I've researched and there are many plans that work, here's just one.

Four cities around the country partnered with Kentucky Fried Chicken to lower taxes. KFC filled potholes around the city and then placed a chalk advertisement over the repaired pothole. The cities were able to save on road repair while providing advertising for a local business.

Why can't we do this? We could use any local business, or several for that matter. Why not? We would even have several options for the money saved. Here are two.

1. We could lower property taxes by the amount saved.
2. We could realocate the money saved to another service like... snow removal.

While option two would improve services at no extra cost to you and I, it really doesn't lower taxes. That said, it does look like a valid option.

I work in a research laboratory; I do research. I'll research each issue that comes before the City Council before I commit to a vote. I've included the link for the inspiration summarized above.

With your support and my committment to research, we can succed at lowering taxes.


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